- Rodovia BR-101 Norte, s/nº, Km 142 – Vicinal Lasa Bairro: Canivete Linhares – ES–Brasil
- 29909-983
- +55 (27) 2103-5100
- info@ugbp.com
- http://ugbp.com

The union of the traditional papaya growers from the region of Linhares, state of Espirito Santo – Brazil, in the year of 2003, has permitted the inclusion in the market of the new Brazilian export company, UGBP (Union of Growers of Brazilian Papaya), focused on the high quality and healthy papaya production, always respecting the environment. With own farms and a new private packing house, UGBP can guarantee consistent supply with quality all year round. The UGBP has been certificated by the USDA/APHIS and EurepGap to US Market and European Market. In August 2005, it became the first Brazilian company to get the P.I.F. Certificate for papaya production (Integrated Fruit Production), for their fields and packing house, that guarantees the customer an extremely healthy fruit, due to be the most complete certificate for papaya production. Working with their own brand, RED FLESH, UGBP today distributes its products through the markets of Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United State.

- Rodovia BR-101 Norte, s/nº, Km 142 – Vicinal Lasa Bairro: Canivete Linhares – ES–Brasil
- 29909-983
- +55 (27) 2103-5100
- info@ugbp.com
- http://ugbp.com