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Limão é importante para a qualidade de vida e bem-estar

Wednesday June 15th, 2022

The benefits of lime go beyond immunity. You may have heard that fruit is a source of vitamin C, a very important nutrient to strengthen the body and prevent viral infections.

According to experts, lime is very rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and has other antioxidant components, such as polyphenols, limonoids and caffeic acid. It is also rich in soluble fiber.

Combined, these nutrients can help the weight loss process, raise the body’s defenses and even reduce fluid retention.

Check out the six main benefits that lime consumption can provide for the body:

1 – Helps you lose weight

2 – Increases immunity

3 – Combats fluid retention

4 – Provides a detox effect

5 – Prevent constipation

6 – It is an ally of the heart because it helps to maintain low blood pressure.

Source: SportLife Magazine


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