As in the old saying: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! In other words, one apple a day and you won´t need to go to the doctor.
The apple is among the most nutritive, healthy, good smelling, delicious and beautiful fruits of the world. It is present in various recipes and permeates the imagination of adults and children thanks to Snow White and Adam and Eve. But, do you know the history of the Brazilian apple?
We are going to tell you about it. It’s interesting!
The history of the apple in Brazil is mixed and confused with the arrival of the immigrants who came from all over the world in the 19th century. In different sizes, appearances, forms, textures of the peel and pulp, the apple had its cultivation spread quickly around the Country, mainly in the Southern region, where the climate has shown to be more adequate for the commercial cultivation of the fruit.
In the 2020 harvest, Brazil produced more than 980 thousand tons of apple in 32 thousand hectares planted, being the 13th main producer in the world. The production is concentrated in the Southern States, the coldest region of the country.
Between the decades of 1990 and 2020, the production in Brazil had an increase of more than 6,000%. In 2020, 15% of the Brazilian crop was exported – and the country went from importer of the fruit to exporter. The exports in 2020 reached 62,574 tons and the revenue was $ 42 million dollars.
The main destinations for the Brazilian apple in 2020 were Russia (31%), Bangladesh (29%) and India (11%). The main varieties exported were Gala and Fuji.
Technology is the foundation of the productive process of apple in Brazil, with strong and constant support from the research agencies for the fruit. All producers who export are certified by international companies for Best Agricultural Practices and the fruits are tested in terms of quality and safety for consumption. In the certification processes, the best practices in sustainability are also included, as well as environmental and social aspects.
• Pectin: The regular consumption of apple is excellent to keep cholesterol within acceptable limits, with the recommended ingestion of one unit per day. This effect is due to the high content of pectin found in the peel.
• Potassium: It also helps in the process of losing weight, because the pectin makes the fat and glucose absorption more difficult besides eliminating cholesterol. The high content of potassium in the apple pulp releases the sodium in excess, eliminating the excess of water retained in the body.
• Vitamins B1 and B2: rich in vitamins B1, B2, fibers and mineral salts, such as iron and phosphorus. When present in the diet of adults and children, it contributes for a good intestinal functioning.
The mos produced types of apples in Brazil are the Gala, of English origin, and the Fuji of Japanese origin.
Gala Apple
It is one of the most cultivated around the world and also in Brazil. The fructose which is present in the composition of the gala apple takes more time to be absorbed by the body, that is why it is indicated on diets for diabetics. A curious detail, after all, it is one of the sweetest types of apple.
It has a red peel and some yellow marks. Its pulp is soft and has an irresistible flavor with a light acid touch. The texture of the gala apple is ideal for using it as ingredient in pies and other desserts. Its peel is thin and its flavor has a light vanilla touch.
Fuji Apple
The Fuji Apple is one of the types of apple which was bred, in this case, the Red Delicious apple and the Virginia Ralls Genet apple. It is very rich in nutrients and it presents high sugar content, because it has a high fructose concentration.
It has a mild hot flavor and it has a firm and crispy texture. It has a much more dense pulp compared to most of the apples.
With a firm consistency, the apple has a red peel with yellow stripes. Besides that, its pulp is yellower and clearer than other apples.