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Friday September 10th, 2021

Grapes, despite their relatively small size, are extremely powerful in nutritional terms and consuming them is very important for the proper functioning of the body.

In grapes it is possible to find vitamins in abundance, such as E, C, K and A. In addition, the fruit contains several minerals such as iron, calcium and potassium and a significant amount of fiber that can guarantee you a diet with a high nutritional content and cholesterol free.

Rich in antioxidants, these substances are responsible for ‘cleansing’ and protecting our cells from so-called free radicals, potentially dangerous compounds that can damage these structures.

Antioxidants are most commonly present in the skin of the fruit, which is indicated by their color. The darker they are, the greater the concentration of these compounds in the grape. The main examples are polyphenols, the most famous of which is called resveratrol.

Minerals (such as calcium, iron and potassium) and a significant amount of fiber are essential for the proper functioning of our body, especially the digestive system.

Other health benefits of grapes are:

  • Prevention against heart problems – As it is rich in vitamin K, grapes play an important role in blood clotting;
  • Natural antidepressant – Due to the concentration of B vitamins, the fruit acts on mental health;
  • Reduces incidence of chronic diseases such as Parkinson’s or degenerative diseases; and
  • Prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

The consumption of  grapes produced in Brazil is pleasant, safe and healthy, promoting well-being and quality of life.


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