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Friday September 10th, 2021

The benefits of the apple for the skin can be acquired by ingesting apples, and also in the preparation of masks with apples for the skin. It is important to eat the fruit with the peel, because it is in the peel that most of the properties are concentrated.

The chemical components of the apple are able to prolong the growth phase of the hair and shorten the rest phase. The result of this is the stimulus and increase of the hair growth.

In a study with bald men, it was observed that the ones who received treatment with the substance procyanidin polyphenol B12 (present in the fruit) presented a significant hair growth after six months of treatment. These results are promising and indicate the fruit as an effective natural medicine to treat baldness.

Apple-based extracts are widely used in cosmetics in anti-residues, anti-aging, firming, lightening masks, shampoos and after sun products, due to the natural properties of the fruit.


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