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Friday September 10th, 2021

Besides expelling the body toxins, the orange reduces inflammations and promotes the real nutrition of tissues and joints, for this it is also recommended to fight against arthritis. It contains one of the most powerful antioxidants, the vitamin C, and because of this the juice is a magic medication to cure colds, flues and lung problems.

The orange is a widely used fruit in several sectors of the industry: perfume, cosmetics and aromatherapy.

The  essential oil of the orange, in general, has a citric, fresh and intense smell, with a small differentiation between sweet and slightly biter aromas. It is considered the oil of happiness, for living with pleasure.

It has the property to stimulate the positivism and the well-being. Mystic people believe that the orange oil releases the energy which is stagnated in the body, helping to bring more serenity and tranquility to deal with strong and destructive emotions, such as anger and hate. It helps reducing the stress, nervousness and depression.


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