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Filé de Peixe com purê de maçã

Sunday September 12th, 2021

A healthy, low-calorie combination.

For the fish, you will need: 

Choose a white fish.

Season with lemon, salt and pepper.

Place the fish in the skillet and let it seals on both sides for 10 minutes. Put it away. 


For Apple Puree

4 apples

1/2 of a squeezed lemon 

1 cup of water

3 tablespoons of sugar

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 tablespoon of butter


Start by squeezing the lemon into a pan and add the water. Cut the apples into 4 pieces, remove the core and peel, placing them quickly in the pan so they don’t get brown.

Place the pan over low heat until the apples are very soft. This will take around 15 minutes.

Drain the apples, which should be cooked and soft and put them in a bowl. Crush them with the help of a fork. Return apples to the same pan where they were cooked. Over low heat, add sugar, a pinch of salt and butter, stirring well until creamy. Turn off the heat.

Serve the apple puree with the fish on top.


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