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World Bee Day: Discover the crucial role of these animals in brazilian fruit growing

Tuesday May 21st, 2024

It is common knowledge that bees play a role in pollination, but did you know that they have a vital role in Brazilian fruit growing? According to the Thematic Report on Pollination, Pollinators, and Food Production in Brazil, released in 2018, these insects add R$43 billion per year to agriculture, beyond simple honey production, and are key players in maintaining biodiversity.

All this relevance is celebrated on May 20, World Bee Day. During this commemorative week, we couldn’t help but share the fact that several Brazilian producers work in partnership with beekeeping to improve and ensure the production of quality fruits, recognizing the indispensable work of bees.

Today, about 85% of the crops cultivated by humans depend on external pollination performed by bees, regardless of how or where they live — hives or solitary species. They play a fundamental role in the pollination of many fruit crops, including melon, avocado, orange, apple, strawberry, and others. Without efficient bee pollination, many of these crops would face serious production challenges. Brazil is home to an impressive diversity of bee species, from the well-known Apis mellifera to the native stingless species like Melipona. These different species have unique adaptations and can play specific roles in the pollination of different plants, and these small insects now face the imminent threat of extinction.

Brazilian producers recognize the importance of bees in fruit growing and implement various strategies to promote their presence and health. This includes maintaining hives in areas near plantations, providing food sources throughout the year, and minimizing the use of bee-harmful pesticides. Additionally, many producers adopt organic farming practices, which are less harmful to bee populations and other pollinators.

Beyond production

Besides their economic impact on fruit growing, bees are also essential for environmental preservation, contributing to the maintenance of the genetic diversity of plants and promoting healthy and resilient ecosystems. Increasing awareness of their importance has led to the protection of natural habitats and the implementation of conservation policies, which are essential to ensure the survival not only of bees but also of biodiversity as a whole.

Bees are true silent heroines of Brazilian fruit growing, and the partnership between fruit growing and beekeeping highlights the joint commitment to ensuring the quality and sustainability of fruit production in the country.


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