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Creme de mamão com calda de morango

Sunday September 12th, 2021


– 1 cup of papaya for the cream and a little more to put in the bottom of the cup.

– 3 units of natural unflavored yogurt;

– 1 cup (tea) of chopped strawberries;

– 1/2 cup (tea) of sugar;

– 2 tablespoons of water.



For the syrup, bring the strawberry, water and sugar to the fire. As soon as it boils, lower the heat and cook until the strawberries start to fall apart. Allow to cool and refrigerate for 30 minutes before continuing.

Beat the papaya with the yogurt. In the bottom of the bowl place some chopped papaya and the cream on top. Spread a little of the syrup on the topping and decorate with mint leaves.

*Yield: The papaya cream is enough for 4 large cups, but the amount of syrup is enough for 8 cups.


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