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Cheesecake de goiaba

Friday September 10th, 2021

Pasta Ingredients

1 package of processed cornstarch biscuit

1/4 cup of sugar 

1/2 cup of butter 


Filling Ingredients

3 eggs

150g of sugar

2 packs of cream cheese

1/2 lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence


Topping Ingredients

300g of guava in cubes

1/2 cup of white wine

1/2 lemon juice

Method of preparation

Add the biscuit and sugar, mix with the butter until it forms a smooth dough. With this dough, line a 23 cm diameter removable bottom pan, pressing with a spoon so the surface is smooth, and refrigerate. Lightly beat the eggs in an electric mixer and add the remaining ingredients. Beat for 20 minutes on low speed. Spread the filling onto the pan. Preheat oven to 356 °F and bake for 40 minutes or until surface browns. Heat the guava, wine, lemon juice and 1/2 cup of water, cooking over low heat until all the lumps dissolve and the syrup is thick. Let it warm and pour over the pie.


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