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Making the most of it: How to use fruit peels in organic composting

Friday July 7th, 2023

The awareness on the importance of sustainability has grown significantly in recent years, driving the search for practices that promote a more eco-friendly lifestyle. A simple but powerful action is the use of fruit peels in organic composting. In addition to reducing waste, this practice offers a number of benefits for both the environment and the health of plants.

We selected some tips for you to join this journey. Find out how to make the most of fruit peels and how to make your routine more sustainable below:

Reducing food waste

Improper disposal of organic waste is a matter of concern worldwide. By using fruit peels for the production of organic compounds, these food remains are prevented from being sent to landfills, where they contribute to the production of greenhouse gases. Therefore, using these peels is a practical way to reduce food waste and contribute to sustainability. 

Providing valuable nutrients to the soil

Fruit peels are rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and a variety of vitamins and beneficial organic compounds. By adding the peels to the organic compounding, these nutrients are gradually released into the soil, enriching it and improving its fertility. As a result, plants grown in this soil receive an extra dose of essential nutrients, making them healthier, more resistant and prone to abundant production.

Contributing to soil health

In addition to providing nutrients, fruit peels also play a key role in improving soil structure. They promote aeration and moisture retention, allowing the soil to become more permeable and suitable for plant root growth. The water retention is optimized through a healthy and a well-structured soil, reducing the need for frequent irrigation.

Choosing the right fruits

While fruit peels are generally beneficial for composting, it is important to know which fruits are best suited for this purpose. Some fruits do stand out in this regard:

  • Banana: Banana peels are rich in potassium and break down easily into composting, making them an excellent addition.
  • Citrus (orange, lemon, tangerine): are rich in vitamin C and add a fresh aroma to composting, besides acting as a natural pest repellent.
  • Apples: are rich in nutrients and help activate the breakdown of composting, speeding up the process.
  • Avocado: Avocado peels and pits contain natural oils that are beneficial to the soil, in addition to being compostable.
  • Pineapple: Pineapple seeds contain bromelain, an enzyme that aids in decomposition and improves soil fertility.

By incorporating these fruits into your composting process, you will be making the most of your food waste, promoting sustainability and naturally nourishing the soil.

Using fruit peels in organic compounds is a sustainable practice, beneficial to the environment and to plant health. By adding this simple initiative in your routine, you will be contributing to the reduction of food waste, providing valuable nutrients to the soil and promoting plant health. Small changes in our daily habits can have a significant impact on the environment.

So why not start making the most of fruit peels today? Your garden and the planet will thank you!


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