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Friday September 10th, 2021

Açaí is an exclusive fruit from the Amazon! It is rich in vitamins C and E, which act as strong antioxidants. But what does it mean? Well, as the name implies, these molecules are responsible for preventing the oxidation of cells, and this is done by fighting free radicals, which when in excess in our body affect the cell wall.

Açaí is also a great ally of the heart. That’s because it has good amounts of anthocyanin, a nutrient responsible for its purple color. This substance prevents cell degeneration, which in itself prevents the onset of cardiovascular problems.

A study carried out by Brazilian and Canadian researchers, respectively from the Federal University of Santa Maria and the University of Toronto, shows that açaí can also combat bipolarity. The analysis came to the conclusion that the fruit extract can solve a dysfunction that occurs within the cell in the area responsible for producing energy for the brain. In addition, research revealed that açaí is indicated for the nervous system in general, as it also prevents the emergence of other disorders, in addition to reducing headache.

Consume Brazilian açaí, gain energy and health and contribute to the preservation of the Amazon and to the inclusion of thousands of workers in a virtuous circle of sustainable development!


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