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Abrafrutas brings the strength of national fruit production to Fruit Attraction Madrid in partnership with APEXBrasil

Friday October 4th, 2024

The Brazilian Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruits and Derivatives (Abrafrutas), in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), embarks on another edition of the Frutas do Brasil project, by taking a robust delegation of around 35 companies associated with the entity to the international fresh produce fair Fruit Attraction Madrid 2024. Between October 8 and 10, Brazilian producers will have the opportunity to further expand commercial contacts and negotiations in the area of ​​fresh fruits and derivatives, contributing to the continued growth of exports in the sector.

Brazil is one of the largest fruit producers in the world, with great diversity of species and varieties. This broad portfolio is recognized not only for the numerous options it offers, but also for the distinctive flavor and quality of Brazilian fruits, which stand out in demanding markets such as Europe. 

According to Guilherme Coelho, president of Abrafrutas, the difference in Brazilian fruits lies in their unique flavor and quality, the result of favorable climate conditions and the sustainable practices they have adopted over the years.

ESG: the sector’s commitment

In recent years, Brazilian fruit farming has advanced not only in terms of production and quality, but also in sustainable practices. The pursuit of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) standards has been a priority for producers, who have invested in environmental preservation initiatives, conscious use of water and social responsibility. This commitment to sustainability has been a differentiator for Brazil, especially in international markets that increasingly demand products that respect the environment. Transparency on food safety issues reinforces this commitment to ESG.

“The fruit sector has adopted technologies and practices that minimize environmental impacts, promoting sustainability at all stages of production”, reinforces Guilherme Coelho. 

This integrated action between technology and sustainability contributes to the opening of new markets, such as the recent access to Asian countries, which demand fruits with a high standard of quality and sustainable production. 

The continuation of Brazilian success abroad

The continued Brazilian presence at Fruit Attraction since 2014 reinforces the sector’s commitment to serving the European market within its highest quality and safety requirements for the consumption of fruits and derivatives. The event has become an essential stage for companies wishing to expand their global operations, as it also welcomes buyers from all over the world.

“With each edition, we see a significant increase in trade negotiations and agreements, and the result of this is directly reflected in export figures. In 2023, we reached the record mark of more than US$ 1.3 billion in exports, which demonstrates the potential and relevance of our fruit farming on the global stage”, says the president of Abrafrutas.

For debuting companies like Li Limes, this edition marks a special moment. “We are very excited about the opportunities that the event provides us. The company has taken important and significant steps towards solidifying our brand in the market. In this edition, in addition to visiting existing clients to strengthen business relationships, we will also take the opportunity to explore new opportunities and win potential clients. In addition, we plan to visit machinery and technology stands, looking for innovations that can optimize our internal processes here in Brazil,” comments Alison Dejavite, export analyst at Li Limes.

Fruit Attraction São Paulo: Brazil at the center of the global market

During the event in Madrid, a press conference will be held on the first day, which will highlight the announcement of the second edition of Fruit Attraction São Paulo, which will take place in 2025. “The first edition of the fair in Brazil, held in 2024, was an absolute success, and we are already prepared for an even bigger and better edition for next year”, highlights Guilherme Coelho, who is enthusiastic about the success of the second edition of the fair in Brazil.

Will be present at the conference:

  • Orlando Leite Ribeiro, Brazilian Ambassador to Spain
  • Guilherme Coelho, President of Abrafrutas
  • Edson Fernandes, Executive Secretary of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo
  • Mauricio Macedo, Fiera Milano Brasil CEO
  • Daniel Martinez, Executive Vice President of IFEMA MADRID


International impact and relevance

Fruit Attraction Madrid is one of the largest fairs in the sector, with impressive numbers that reflect its relevance: more than 90,000 visitors from 135 countries, 1,800 exhibitors and countless business opportunities at each edition.

With the exponential growth of exports and the opening of new markets, Abrafrutas’ participation in Fruit Attraction Madrid 2024 is another step towards the continued growth of Brazilian fruit exports.


About Frutas do Brasil

Abrafrutas (Brazilian Association of Fruit and Derivatives Producers and Exporters), in partnership with ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), is committed to promoting the growth of Brazilian exporters. This project aims to expand its business, open new markets, highlight Brazilian fruits’ qualities and encourage the consumption of high-quality and tasty fruits. Currently, 63 export companies in the Brazilian fruit sector participate in Frutas do Brasil, achieving partial results exceeding USD 500 million in exports. To be part of the project, you only need to be a producer and register on the website by clicking here.


About Abrafrutas

The Brazilian Association of Fruit and Derivatives Exporters (Abrafrutas) is a non-profit association whose purpose is to represent and promote Brazilian fruit production in the international market. Created in 2014, Abrafrutas has approximately 70 associated fruit producers and exporters and holds approximately 85% of the total volume of fresh fruit exported by Brazil.


About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. To achieve its objectives, ApexBrasil carries out diverse trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and enhancing the value of Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and commercial missions, business rounds, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. The Agency also works in a coordinated manner with public and private actors to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil, focusing on strategic sectors for developing the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.


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