- S Los Carneros Road - GOLETA - California /EUA
- 93117
- +55 51 98160 0777 / +1 805 203 0146
- vinicius.biasibetti@apeelsciences.com
- http://www.apeel.com/
(English) Nearly 800 million people (1 in 10 of the world’s population) go to bed hungry each night, yet one third of food is lost or thrown away before it has a chance to be eaten. Once discarded, that food waste contributes 8–10% of greenhouse gas emissions, squandering precious resources like freshwater in the process.

- S Los Carneros Road - GOLETA - California /EUA
- 93117
- +55 51 98160 0777 / +1 805 203 0146
- vinicius.biasibetti@apeelsciences.com
- http://www.apeel.com/